Category : News
Author: RNZ

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Time for a truth bomb lady... the doctor was right... Overweight (fat) people in general are at risk and are have higher rate of having health issues. It is unhealthy, from heart attack, blood clots, and yes all the issues that goes with diabetes from gum disease and nerve damage vision, hearing, kidney disease and all the other issues... it is all tied together... . And the best way to fight this is to start with loosing weight, exercising and eating healthy. It is a awake up call. The Doctor is giving you the hard truth... and "your feelings" are not going to save your life.

I am 54 and was prediabetic and through changing my lifestyle including the way and what, how much  I eat and exercise I am slowly beating that (6 months I lost over 45kg) I now have regular walks with now some of them fast walks for exercise... including walks during my smoko and lunch breaks at work. I am so much more healthier, I sleep better, have more energy, no more head aches or migraines, gums while still damaged are a lot healthier.

So yes a truth bomb lady... start by looking after yourself and loosing some weight...