Category : News
Author: Chris Hyde

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Right... inflation... ??? Not sure how inflation is a factor here... but there you go money grab.  While I agree that dangerous driving and excessive speeding sure fine and take their license etc.... but we all know most of the time it is just a money grab...

You will never ever get a zero accident, zero speeding, zero road toll, etc never ever... you will be continuously battling the new and younger drivers every year ... people stuck in their ways, people make mistakes. Target the excessive and deliberate speeding sure  target dangerous driving yes... Most definitely targeting more on drink driving, but the rest you will not change and it is even a futile idea to think that you can... How many tourist are involved in accidents over the years that have caused accidents and made it to the news... heck, even police officers doing U-turns in-front of motorcyclists causing death...

Better driver training is needed... as the saying goes, "Stop putting the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, because it is cheaper than building the fence at the top of the cliff."