Category : News
Author: Dileepa Fonseka

Adrian Orr isn’t threatening anybody, all he’s saying is if you don’t stop spending then he’ll crash the economy.

“Power is in the hands of the people,” the Reserve Bank governor told the Finance and Expenditure select committee on Thursday.

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Category : News
Author: Reuters

The European Parliament on Wednesday designated Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, arguing that its military strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets such as energy infrastructure, hospitals, schools and shelters violated international law.

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Category : News
Author: Reuters

Washington's envoy for war crimes said on Monday the US was monitoring allegations of Ukrainian forces summarily executing Russian troops and said all parties should face consequences if they commit abuses in the conflict.

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Category : News
Author: Jenna Lynch

When Labour came to power the country had 608 beds for acute mental health patients.

Five years and billions of dollars of health funding later, New Zealand still has 608 beds for acute mental health patients.

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Category : News
Author: Reuters

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appealed to Ukrainians to conserve energy amid relentless Russian strikes that have halved the country's power capacity, as the United Nations health body warned of a humanitarian disaster in Ukraine this winter.

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Category : News
Author: RNZ

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky has been invited to address New Zealand's Parliament.

RNZ understands arrangements are being made for Zelensky to speak via video link to MPs.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Anna Whyte

Changes to hate speech are back on the cards, with the Government releasing a proposal after years of back and forth and being passed through three different Ministers.

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