Category: News
Author: UK Politics

Ricky Gervais, Stephen Fry, and Rowan Atkinson use their free speech to defends freedom of speech.

It's societal benefits and importance to comedy too. They also talk about their problems with political correctness and the dangers that it presents for free speech, especially in comedy. This is part of my controversial topics playlist- next weeks video is on the death penalty. Controversial topics playlist: #freespeech #freedomofexpression #freespeechwins

I have created a company selling waterproof care-packages (blessing bags) for the homeless all the company's profits will go towards building 'The Homeless Home' in Cornwall; a place where homeless people can receive showers, food, and support. I would really appreciate it if you visited my Patreon and/or my website to help support my Youtube channel and my small company.

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