Category: News
Author: Caldron Pool

Selina Soule failed to qualify for the 55-meter track event in the New England regionals after two biological males scored the qualifying places.

The 16-year-old female athlete from Bloomfield, Connecticut was forced to compete against the male athletes, because despite being born biologically males, the two now identify as females.

Selina said competing against transgender athletes is “heartbreaking” for biological girls who know at the beginning of the race that no matter how hard they try, the biological male athletes will win.

“I’ve lost opportunities to compete at world-class tracks,” Selina said. “I’ve lost opportunities to compete in front of college coaches and gain attention, and I’ve lost opportunities to win titles.

“I know that I’m not the only girl who has missed out on opportunities. There are countless other girls who have lost meets, and titles, and their drive to compete as hard as they can because they know that they’ll never be good enough to compete against these athletes.”

Thankfully, Selina is taking a stand. With the help of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), Selina filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, who has agreed to investigate.

ADF has since set up a petition to encourage the Trump Administration and Members of Congress to safeguard the athletic and academic futures of young women.

Isn’t it funny how when a real women’s rights issue arises, there’s never a radical feminist in sight…

Men don't belong in women's sports. But unfortunately, two high school male athletes who identify as female have won 15 women’s track championship titles that were once held by nine different girls in the state of Connecticut. Female athletes are being robbed of athletic opportunities, dreams of competing at the next level, and even potential scholarships. Thankfully, Selina Soule took a public stand against the harmful policies that are allowing this to happen. With the help of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), she filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. Now, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights has agreed to investigate the situation in Connecticut. The outcome of the investigation could impact young women nationwide.

Activists are pushing policies that allow men who identify as women to invade female spaces. Now this mindset is infiltrating the world of sports—and it’s affecting young women across the country. These policies are robbing girls of athletic opportunities, dreams of competing at the next level, and even potential scholarships. Take a look at what’s happening in Connecticut. Two high school male athletes who identify as female have won 15 women’s championship titles that were once held by nine different girls. Female athletes are losing medals and podium spots to men, and they stay silent out of fear of retaliation and backlash. But with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom, Selina Soule and Alanna Smith are taking a public stand against the harmful policies that are threatening their academic and athletic futures. Now, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights has agreed to investigate the situation in Connecticut. The outcome of the investigation could impact young women nationwide. Sign the petition today to encourage the Trump Administration and Members of Congress to safeguard the athletic and academic futures of young women across the country at

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